Sunday, February 13, 2011



Follow this link as I comment on Brigitte's blog


Follow this link to my comments on Lori's blog


Last week in Wimba session, our instructor showed a Web 2.0 tool by the name of Wordle. Curiosity lead to searching the site and finding it to be a great tool for students or just anyone. Once you go to the site, they have create wordle or you can create one yourself. 
 So with playing I found some words that was in an old document about for a science lesson.
It was not many words but this is an example of what a wordle can look like. It can have many words or just a couple of words. 
 Also, it lets you change the color, font, layout and background.  This is one tool that I can use for many different projects and lessons. This is a great tool for educators.
Wordle can be used at home, school, and the workplace. At home it can be used to help students with learning new words. For example, you can get different words out of the dictionary. For educators to use in the classroom, it would be a great tool for showing vocabulary words and students would get a kick out of how the different words are on display. In the workplace, a trainer can use wordle to show key words in manuels and documents. This is a tool with many different aspects that a person can use.


Whew!! This was a very informational tutorial on iMovie'09. I was able to get a better understanding on how to use different tools and what many tools are for. Such as Ken Burns, audio, and video clipping. Using iMovie is a great tool for old dvds and wanting to put those photos into a dvd. I will be watching the other tutorial on iMovie so I can become better acquaint with all of it.


Adding beat markers to music
On this expert tutorial I was able to learn how to add beat markers to music on iMovie. When using markers to music it can make your movie more personal. It showed where the marker is located and how to add it to the video. iMovie has many galleries of music and well as iTunes that can be used as you put your video together.


This week I have learned about iMovie. On, I am able to watch experts give tutorials on iMovie so I can make mines look more professional.  On this tutorial, I learned how to add images from iPhoto.  In iMovie you can add images from iPhoto and make it part of the video with different effects.

Monday, February 7, 2011

BP2_Game Classroom Games for Kids

I am choosing the game classroom. This website offers help and assistance for students in K-6.  It helps students, educators, and parents with newsletters. On this site, students are able to learn while they play.
 In order to access the site, you must enter your email address. It is this simple to sign up. I think that this site is helpful to any parent or educators that have student in the age range of K-6. The reason why I choose this site, was because my daughter is in the K4 program. So I will be able to help her learn while she is playing.
 Looking at the Kindergarten part of the site, students have areas of learning. But it gives them the game concept but they are learning.
 While on the site, I decided to play the Monkey Business game.
 This game is very bright and colorful. It has animation and sounds so that kids know when the put the wrong word in the sentence incorrect.

Also, the newsletter is helpful for parents and teachers to relate their children learning to. This is one site that I can use as a teacher as well as using as a parent. My daughter thought that this was a fun site. She was able to use the site without assistance. I think that was helpful so I would recommend this website to many educators and parents alike.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Life as a Mother

Kids do the most amazing things. I was wondering do your kids always seem to get fascinate when you are listening and participating in the Wimba session.  I know my kids which are 4 and almost 2 in March seems to wonder where is that talking coming from.  Another thing that has fascinate my babies is the ichat they just love the idea of seeing multiple people on the screen and been able to talk to them. Just wondering have these things fascinate your child.

Just been a mother is so fascinating and great that I love sharing stories.

BP1: Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog

This is going to about Pam's Journey of ups and downs

You can share with me your journey of ups and downs at Full Sail University or life in general.

Feel free to come and share.

Welcome to my Blog

I am new to blogging but as a student at Full Sail University one of the requirement was to create a blog.
This blog is a spot where people are going to be able to talk about all things in general. I am going to take you on my journey at Full Sail University. Where it may be related to class or just my life as a mother, a future wife in August 2011 and student.